4 Effective Ways to Stop Battling Your Body
This post will cover how to train your mind to transform your vibe and 4 tips for breaking up with the body battle.
Can you fathom a world where you didn’t hate your body? Where the world invited you into self exploration and deep self love, and prohibited the use of body shaming to yourself and others? Can you imagine how much extra time and energy you would gain back?
Although it may seem farfetched, I’m here to tell you it’s possible. I’m not about to feed you false promises and lead you to believe this is going to be a cake walk. It’s going to take a heck of a lot of dedication, discipline, and a desire to truly want freedom from constant criticism from the one doing all the talking…YOURSELF.
“The payoff is freedom which is something that money can’t buy, and something a beauty company can’t sell you.”
You’ll be up against constant opposition, especially from those who are battling themselves too. You can listen to her struggles, but you must guard yourself from being pulled back into her struggle while you’re trying to tackling your own. Yes, BOUNDARIES are vital as you heal, especially because you are always going to be around those who aren't there, yet.
Sympathizing with others is a great way to connect and try to lift each other up, but just don’t camp out there.
So here we go:
Show Self Compassion
“Be gentle. You’re meeting parts of yourself you’ve been at war with.”
As you dive into the world of self love, you’ll come across things that you’ve never seen because you’ve devoted so much time and energy to seeing all the things you didn’t love.
Now, on this self love journey, you MUST start seeing what beauty you do hold. This doesn’t have to be just physical beauty. I want you to think outside the box.
Make it an adventure to see how your body operates, how your mind thinks, and how your mouth speaks to those around you, as you start configuring ways to act from roots of love. Experience yourself as an on-looker, an admirer.
Hatred for yourself has such low vibes. By simply learning to switch gears into a higher vibe state, your body instantly starts to look and feel different.
You attract more people because you exude a different kind of energy, and it’s energy that everyone wants but few people actually contain.
Take action toward self love
Each FREE Kit Includes:
→ [Video Series]: I walk you through the 3 easy steps: BATTLE | BREAK-UP | BECOME
→ Mini workbook to accompany your breakthrough videos
→ 30 day 'BECOMING BULLETPROOF' Printable Journal
→ Bonus resources + Program Coupons
People will start to question how to get what you have. The neat thing is the more you practice this and get good at it, the more natural it will become.
In the beginning, it will feel like putting on a piece of clothing and then taking it off. Add this: It won't feel natural yet, and may even feel uncomfortable. With enough repetition + belief that it WILL work (eventually), one day it will feel like home, comfortable in this skin you wear daily, something that you don’t ever take off, because you won't want to.
2. Make peace with the journey
If you were given freedom immediately, without the work it takes to get there, you wouldn’t appreciate it and would soon throw it away.
It is helpful to take note of your starting point, and even journaling about exactly how you feel about yourself is a difficult, but enlightening, step to take.
You will see the harsh adjectives you’re using and the way this plagues your mindset daily and adds toxic lingo that compiles over time. Journaling daily is an amazing tool as you transform gradually, day by day, into the type of person you only fantasized about becoming.
3. Do the things that you know you should do but keep putting off.
You already know that movement and making healthy choices are something you should do that will have an immediate effect on your wellbeing. Yet, self sabotage comes into play, and you decide that you’ll start that tomorrow, and instead Netflix and order take out. Make movement a part of your day now.
Even if you haven’t worked out in years, pull up YouTube videos, head to a gym and purchase a membership (and also mark in your calendar the days that you will go), or receive my Fitness FUEL 101 book for 90 days of progressive at home or at the gym workouts complimentary with the purchase of my self love course, Bulletproof YOU.
You will start to release healthy endorphins that will make immediate change in your body’s chemistry which will allow you to start seeing yourself in a new light, simply because you’re caring for yourself the way you always knew you needed to, but simply didn’t.
The same goes for making healthier choices. Go to the grocery store. Buy fresh produce and less processed foods. Prepare foods in advance so you have readily available food to easily consume without getting called to the the drive thru. Again, this is going to have an immediate effect because you’re nourishing yourself from the inside out.
4. Fill yourself up with positivity.
Find videos that light up your soul or inspirational words that evoke transformation inside (like this blog). Read self help books. Listen to self help podcasts or YouTube videos that make you want to stay on this journey. What you feed your mind, grows. So, watch carefully what you are consuming.
Remove the SHAME out of not having this area figured out in your life. Shame plagues us and makes us feel as if we'll never make it out of this hole we're in. It sounds like 'we'll never experience freedom from these body wars' and 'it's something we might as well get used to.' How is belittling yourself 24/7 working out for you? My guess is, it's not. Remember, continuing to shame yourself isn't going to get you closer to your goals (not in a sustainable fashion, anyways).
How about actually FEELING what's going on and getting curious about why, instead? In my life, shame has been a default emotion, but is something that has never been productive, and instead transforms into a shame spiral causing exhaustion. What about getting curious as to the ROOTS of the shame. Do you think of all the things that you "should be" doing and then shaming yourself for not doing them? Do you feel like you "should have" had this piece of your life, conquered by now? Do you feel like you "should have" reached your goal by now?
Something that I've learned that DOES serve me waaayyyyyyyy more, is replacing SHAME with disappointment. Disappointment on not reaching something yet gives the ability to see what's going on AND still move forward. It doesn't make me spiral out and go to a dark place. It takes the heaviness out of the equation, and allows me to show up with more compassion and courage to go out and try again.
Shame digs deep and can be rooted in many of the areas of your life where you may feel stuck or behind, and then show up a shell of who you actually are. Or, you may just do enough to 'people please' your way by faking perfection and then continue to shame yourself behind closed doors.
This area is my jam, and I would LOVE to help you plow through this shame struggle and guide you to freedom. You may think that shame is only attacking your body, but as you go deeper into the roots, chances are, its spread into your worth, your relationships, and just overall your courage levels of going out into the world and fully being yourself (without hiding back due to rejection).
This list could be 100 ways to stop battling your body, but I wanted to start with the most transformational ones first.
Meet your Life Coach, Meg
I help driven women slay the shame game with 1-on-1 coaching.
If you’re ready to get out of your own way and live the thriving life you were meant for, click the button below to chat.
Self Love Resources
As a recap:
The key is to start right where you are. Commit to stop battling your body and start growing into the person you’ve always wanted to be.
It can happen. It will happen if you keep showing up, working on small changes daily, journaling about your experience, and feeding your body, mind, and soul with things that actually nourish it. Once you remove the thorn, you’ll be amazed at the healing.
A simple mental shift to show self compassion can change the way you feel and change the way others see you.
Transformation takes time because true change requires commitment and consistency through a variety of different situations.
The things you know you should be doing anyway can really make a difference.
Thinking positive thoughts and concepts from outside influences will help you see the world and yourself differently.
Slay Self Sabotage & Rock Your Relationships,
Meg Smithson, Life Coach
Meg coaches women by identifying areas of self sabotage, helping them break up with the shame that usually accompanies that, and then shows them how to set boundaries around the emerging 2.0 version they want to become, and live that life, unapologetically.
Click to schedule a life coaching consultation with Meg.