the Relationship Revolution Course
A Course Focused on Re-igniting Healthy Relationships with Passion, Intimacy, & a Deeper Commitment by Cutting through the Communication Chaos, faster.
A Course Focused on Re-igniting Healthy Relationships with Passion, Intimacy, & a Deeper Commitment by Cutting through the Communication Chaos, faster.
A Course Focused on Re-igniting Healthy Relationships with Passion, Intimacy, & a Deeper Commitment by Cutting through the Communication Chaos, faster.
Restoring Relationships One Couple at a Time (from home, on your time).
Get the do-it-from-home, non-therapy style coaching that excites and inspires you to do the work.
This radical approach will help pull your relationship out of a rut, gain perspective from both a male and female coach, and will cut through your communication barriers faster.
It’s time to transform your #relation$hit → #RelationshipGoals
What is the Relationship Revolution?
the Relationship Revolution is a toolkit that you can use daily to add value, track progress, and keep your relationship aligned.
You’ll receive:
6 online modules (12 videos) that take less than an hour weekly (helllllllo, convenience!) that you work at your own pace from your own home [Value $1199]
Exploration workbook: for a deep dive into every video lesson + action oriented exercises [Value $199]
Additional Resources: Radical Reflection Journal PDF, date night ideas, & Relationship Reads [Value $99]
Surprise Bonus Vault, because who doesn’t love a good surprise? [Valued at $1144]
Really wow them here, too (with images)…showing an inside peek into the password protected vault full of bonus courses
But, you get the entire Relationship Revolution Course for just $997 [total value $2641]
Be prepared for:
Next level intimacy (both in and out of the bedroom)
A relationship that you don’t need to escape from
Becoming fluent in your partner’s love language
Planned date nights connecting with your partner no matter your schedules
Excitement to get home and greet your partner with energy instead of giving them the scraps of what’s left after a long day at work.
Daily Communication without headaches
A deep understanding of your partner and appreciation for who they are and what they do
Spontaneous acts of love, not because you have to but because you love to
A daily connection where there is amazing energy, mutual respect, and excitement, not just on special occasions
the Relationship Revolution shows you how to…
[Roots]: Get to the roots of who you are and how vital it is to keep pouring into yourself to achieve the relationship you crave
[Rediscovery]: Understand that it’s a process that never ends and we teach you how to find who you are again. Both people need to be back on the same page, for where there is no vision, there’s division.
[Rehab]: Drop the things from the past, heal, and move forward lighter and freer.
[Rescue]: Men vs women’s primary needs are very different and affect communication drastically. We coach you through ways to bypass the communication barriers with ease and without constant arguments.
[Reconnect]: Rekindle and realign the relationship using consistency tactics to bring your relationship back to life.
[Restore]: Prioritize your partner with a game changing tool we introduce to create open communication, better connection, and keep your relationship progressing and improving week after week. This is weekly restoration.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Relationship Revolution Course
What if my partner isn’t onboard, will this still help us?
Yes, anytime you invest in learning more about YOU and your own relationship dynamics, a deeper understanding of the WHY behind the arguments, disagreements, and frustrations become clearer. This context can help transform the way you show up and respond in your relationship (vs react). Your significant other will notice a shift in you and your energy and it will create a domino effect with your partner.
Our schedule is jam-packed, will we have time to complete the Relationship Revolution relationship course?
This is designed for people that have busy schedules. With this being a “DIY” course, you can listen, watch, or simply take it with you, anywhere and ‘make time’ if it is important to you. Car commutes, kid pick-ups or drop offs, replacing scrolling or binging TV shows are all examples of taking this course with you and maximizing those pockets of time. You can also binge listen and apply or take things at your own pace with the season of life you’re in.
Could this relationship course be used in place of pre-marietal counseling?
A lot of churches require some sort of pre-marietal counseling in order to be married at the establishment. This could be used in conjunction to pre-marietal counseling, but the difference is this is a tool that can serve you before you get married and throughout the different seasons of marriage. It’s a relationship toolkit that keeps on giving that once you have access to it, you have it forever.
We’ve been through counseling, therapy, and marriage conferences and we STILL struggle. Will this relationship course help us?
This could most certainly help you. There is a quote we love that says “When the student is ready, the teacher appears” and we believe that when you’re READY, you’ll hear things differently. Especially when you have two different coaches, talking and teaching (both male and female). We may introduce new concepts and tools that could help you exactly where you’re at now.
What makes this relationship course different compared to investing in couples therapy?
Our relationship course is done from the convenience of your own home, with no scheduling appointments or time spent commuting to and from (and also navigating what to do with your kids during that time). It also provides a workbook and examples to work through, that you can keep coming back to.
Is there a money-back guarantee on the Relationship Revolution relationship course?
All sales are final. We do not because we believe in the value that is contained inside the course (+ the vault filled with a plethora of added courses that will aid your relational growth). Once we send you the course pdf and bonus vault access, there’s no way to get that info back. All of our creative content could be consumed, without protecting our teaching materials.
Why is this relationship course course so expensive?
Cost is a relative term. Divorce is also expensive. Excessive dinner dates trying to find the ‘one’ is also expensive. Spending money on trips to salvage a disconnected relationship is also expensive. We jam-packed this program with tools to enhance your relationships for a lifetime, that will compound with time and aid every aspect your relationship encounters (including future vacations where you actually are connected once you take our course).
Wouldn’t just paying for a vacation help us instead?
A vacation for a disconnected relationship is just attempting to treat the symptom rather than addressing the root to WHY you’re disconnected in the first place. Why not fix the root AND then have epic vacations for the remainder of your lifetime together?
Will this relationship course help our intimacy in the bedroom?
Intimacy is ‘to know.’ This course will help you discover more about yourself and your partner that will create a deeper intimacy that flows into the bedroom (and all other areas of life) as well.
Will this relationship course make our arguments stop?
There is always a root to why an argument happens, and genuinely it’s never “the dishes” that sent your partner into an outburst. It will help uncover patterns that then help equip you to be able to have effective conflict resolution and repair a lot more efficiently.
Will this relationship course help make our relationship healthy?
Healthy is also a relative term. It will help you define what is healthy, together. And, with each partner being raised in entirely different households with different dynamics, it will make you come together and identify what was learned and what you want to change inside of your own relationship moving forward.
Will this relationship course help our relationship regain trust after an affair?
This topic is brought up inside of the course, where boundaries are heavily discussed. We brought this topic up, heavily, with tools to move through healing and forgiveness in the Module 3 (part 1 & 2) called “Rehab.”
Will this relationship course help us tackle issues with our in-laws?
Boundaries are the answer, so the answer is yes. We discuss this is Module 4 (part 1 & 2) called “Rescue.”
Will this relationship course help us get out of a rut?
Yes, this is bringing a ‘new thing’ alongside your partner, inspiring in-depth conversations, connecting in a different way (outside of therapy), and you’ll be doing it together (which builds intimacy).
Will this relationship course fix our relationship?
Our course first focuses on fixing your relationship to yourself, which impacts how you show up in your relationship. We then strategically build upon that relationship and look at the past (i.e. family, money, past relationships) and how that impacts your relationship today. We then add actionable items that you can start immediately inside your relationship.
Will this relationship course help me get out of a toxic relationship?
Our course helps you identify your non-negotiables and will help you understand what is healthy (for you) and what is toxic for you (or simply not aligned). And, from there, empower you to make a decision that gives you peace.
Will this relationship course help us figure out our toxic spending habits in our marriage?
We discuss financial issues and ways to address tough conversations around it, focusing more on the roots to why the spending is happening in Module 4 part 1 of Rescue.
Will this relationship course help me create healthy boundaries with my partner?
Boundaries are discussed a lot (since it is a struggle we see with couples) using various examples in Module 4.
Will this relationship course help me have more confidence with conversations dealing with tough topics that often lead end in explosive fights?
All throughout the course, we shed light on tough topics and lighten them up by adding fun to the mix. This will help you gain confidence by utilizing this same energy and bringing it to those conversations. We also use acronyms throughout the course + one of our biggest tools that WE use (and teach) at the end of the course that when done consistently, dramatically creates a safe space to discuss difficult topics.
Will this relationship course help us fix our differences in parenting styles?
This will help you understand where your partner came from, household dynamics and why they do the things they do. From this context, oftentimes, something clicks and can be understood and discussed more calmly, coming to a compromise on the parenting issue.
We’re on the verge of divorce, will this relationship course help us stay married?
Our course tackles a lot of issues that can divide couples, so we’ve infused a lot of actionable items to help you move through tough topics and conversations, and confront problems head on. This course makes no guarantees, but divorce is serious business, and we would want you to exhaust all options before making such a big decision. All you may need is a jump start to your relationship, and rediscover who you both are today and then learn to re-love this new version.