Why “work-a-holic” culture is keeping you stuck
This post will explore why the “work-a-holic'“ culture is keeping you stuck, why resting feels unsafe, and what to do about it.
“Rest, play, time off, creativity, self care and a reset feel unsafe because the world applauds the exhausted, high functioning, burned out over-achiever.”
Rest, play, time off, creativity, self care and a reset feel unsafe because the world applauds the exhausted, high functioning, burned out over-achiever.
In today’s culture, these messages are ingrained in us:
Resting + time off can lead to unwarranted judgment & criticism [feels unsafe]
Non-productive time = lazy [feels unsafe]
Self care = selfish [feels unsafe]
We use “breaking down” as something to push through, at the expense of our mental health, relationships, and bodily symptoms. The RISK of putting ourselves in harm's way [these areas that feel unsafe] feel even more uncomfortable versus just pushing through.
What if these are FALSE???
What if, it just takes conditioning and practice to see the true art of rest, play, time off, being non-productive, and partaking in self-care AND making them a non-negotiable part of your life.
When you take the false narrative out of the equation, you can create safety ahead of time, and enjoy these luxurious moments, GUILT-FREE.
Keeping up with “work-a-holic” culture is keeping you stuck in this soul-sucking cycle that you desperately want to break free from.
This has been a very hard cycle to break (for me), BUT, it’s been freeing & life-giving.
And, guess what, I’ve become someone who works smarter, not harder by deciding ahead of time that rest/play/time off is productive and gives back to my business, family, and my relationships tenfold.
This is what I do with my clients, daily. We Build Bulletproof Relationships…and that STARTS with the relationship with yourself.
Together, we BATTLE non-serving patterns of people & parent pleasing, perfectionism, and shame.
We BUILD safety & self trust, boundaries, and a backbone.
And, we BECOME Bulletproof by becoming bff’s with ourselves. As a result we become RELATIONALLY fit.
When you know and love YOU, all other relationships get stronger.
You no longer seek external validation to fill up your self worth tank, you know you’re worthy no matter what.
Together, we get you there while healing & having fun, making it simple, and fulfilling.
We make space, so the highest YOU can finally emerge.
If you’re ready to get out of your own way, faster, let’s set up a time for a consult call to discuss 1-on-1 high level coaching.
When you start to tap into possibility, doors open that you never believed were possible. Let’s connect.
Healing self sabotaging behaviors
ABOUT THE AUTHOR I’m Meg Smithson and I remember vividly the heartache, distress, and agony that self sabotaging behaviors caused me. Between eating disorders, anxiety, major self doubt, and constant imbalance, I couldn’t seem to live the fulfilling life I imagined.
If you are currently dealing with this, I get it & know exactly how you feel.
I spent a decade of heartache striving to fit the elusive mold of what mainstream considered “perfect” all while trying to figure out why I was put on this earth.
I learned to listen to what I needed…
…not what others expected of me. Gradually, I felt freedom like I had never imagined I could.
What does a relationship coach do?
Now, I teach women to find that freedom, too, by helping them create the relationship that they really want, faster by first healing their attachment to shame, people pleasing, & perfectionism.
Click to schedule a free consult!
Meg Smithson, Life Coach
Meg coaches women by identifying areas of self sabotage, helping them break up with the shame that usually accompanies that, and then shows them how to set boundaries around the emerging 2.0 version they want to become, and live that life, unapologetically.
Click to schedule a life coaching consultation with Meg.