Chronic Worriers: What to know
Why worrying is a protector part of you trying desperately to keep you safe.
“Worrying and believing take the same amount of energy, so why not take the route that’s most productive.”
For my chronic worriers (raises hand), worrying can become a protective part of you that takes over and becomes a security blanket. However, this security blanket (although comforting) keeps you stuck.
Typical worrying thoughts can be:
What if it doesn’t work out
What if it never happens
What if it’s hard
What if I’m not capable
What if I can’t keep up
What if I don’t have what it takes
What If I’m not smart enough
What if I’m defected and broken
Again, one of these might be your default worry thought loop. It plays on repeat. And its repetition depletes your energy that you could be using on believing and actually moving forward towards what you want to happen.
When you can pause and not beat yourself up for the worry, and instead see it with compassionate eyes that your brain is just trying to keep you safe, this acceptance allows you to move forward versus stay stuck.
Stop and check in and see If you can imagine your worry, like that of a weighted vest and feel its heaviness. It’s pulling you down, but you’ve been so used to carrying it that you don’t know you can take it off.
But, unintentionally from carrying it for so long, you’ve built this strength and resilience simply by carrying it.
But, now I want you to physically imagine removing it and setting it to the side and notice how much lighter and freer you feel, without its heaviness weighing on you.
Sometimes, that worry can even be pressure in the form of an imaginary deadline.
Gabby Berstein said something profound “if it’s certain, I can afford to wait.” That quote, alone, feels like taking the unnecessary worry, and setting it to the side, knowing what you want most is in “it’s done “ energy, and you don’t have to carry that unneeded worry weight around you as faux protection.
This is what I do with my clients, daily. We Build Bulletproof Relationships…and that STARTS with the relationship with yourself.
Together, we BATTLE non-serving patterns of people & parent pleasing, perfectionism, and shame.
We BUILD safety & self trust, boundaries, and a backbone.
And, we BECOME Bulletproof by becoming bff’s with ourselves. As a result we become RELATIONALLY fit.
When you know and love YOU, all other relationships get stronger.
You no longer seek external validation to fill up your self worth tank, you know you’re worthy no matter what.
Together, we get you there while healing & having fun, making it simple, and fulfilling.
We make space, so the highest YOU can finally emerge.
If you’re ready to get out of your own way, faster, let’s set up a time for a consult call to discuss 1-on-1 high level coaching.
When you start to tap into possibility, doors open that you never believed were possible. Let’s connect.
Healing self sabotaging behaviors
ABOUT THE AUTHOR I’m Meg Smithson and I remember vividly the heartache, distress, and agony that self sabotaging behaviors caused me. Between eating disorders, anxiety, major self doubt, and constant imbalance, I couldn’t seem to live the fulfilling life I imagined.
If you are currently dealing with this, I get it & know exactly how you feel.
I spent a decade of heartache striving to fit the elusive mold of what mainstream considered “perfect” all while trying to figure out why I was put on this earth.
I learned to listen to what I needed…
…not what others expected of me. Gradually, I felt freedom like I had never imagined I could.
What does a relationship coach do?
Now, I teach women to find that freedom, too, by helping them create the relationship that they really want, faster by first healing their attachment to shame, people pleasing, & perfectionism.
Click to schedule a free consult!
Meg Smithson, Life Coach
Meg coaches women by identifying areas of self sabotage, helping them break up with the shame that usually accompanies that, and then shows them how to set boundaries around the emerging 2.0 version they want to become, and live that life, unapologetically.
Click to schedule a life coaching consultation with Meg.